:.HEMP..Homicide..&..Political Influence.. :.Click here or photo to access Hemp & Homicide page.. :.The Connection to the 911 terrorist & DC Sniper.. :.Deliberately Forgotten Since January 3rd., 2001.. :.Solving the murder of Christal Jean Jones.. :.Negligence of Law Enforcement.. SRS ( child protective services), :.&..The Political Influence of the (Governor) Howard Dean,MD. Administration.. Dean has for far too long been beyond public accountability, just as law enforcement, and others, prevent the public from knowing the true risk of government policy and behavior.. |
:.Lawyers.. :.Problems.. :.&..Politics..Justice depends on who You are.. :.&.. WHO..your pointing the finger at.. Seeking Trial Lawyer to recover homestead, and damages.. Fight for 'Justice' or for the attorney fees.. Or both..Protect the Civil rights of the Whistle blower.. |
:.Rag..(position papers).. :.This page is extremely important: within two weeks from the release of this article in the Old North End Rag..the DEA had me arrested in City Hall Park.. :.THEE Question.. asked re: arrest for smoking Pot.. :.WHY NOW.. |
:.Feds.. :.To files, complaints, and "Intel" provided to federal law enforcement authority.. know how they used the "intel" . . :.To Help the Victims of Violent Crime.. :.WRONG.. |
:.Links Page.. :.To documents provided to 'authorities'.. :.Letters to the editor.. |
:.The purpose of this website is to provide documentation of specific information provided to law enforcement and other authorities.. :.1.. issues of discrediting a 'whistleblower' filed against IDS/AMEX, and State Regulators.. :.2..Dedicated to solving the homicide of Christal Jean Jones, which is not only solvable, it was preventable, but authorities refuse to listen and provide 'witness protection' for the victims'/witnesses, while allowing the violent offender to remain on the streets and threaten the young non-violent for the sake of narking out a few potheads.. this case clearly illustrates the failed policy of the 'war on drugs'.. rather than each person being allowed to speak in confidence to their doctor.. a fundamental civil right.. what do all these issues have in common.. their political oversight, kept from public knowledge, by a negligent, complicit press.. For details please contact me for individual or public forums to discuss these issues, problems and solutions.. |
:.Please contribute to my political campaign to become Chittenden County States Attorney.. the First amendment to the United States Constitution in reguards to Freedom of Speech; states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free excercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or of the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." Let me protect the issues of states' rights and federal intervention into local issues, protection of the doctor patient right to confidentiality and keeping the government out of the civil right to healthcare..supporting not only medical marijuana but the same approach as with regulating and taxing alcohol, with organic medical marijuanna dispensed through the existing licensing and regulating medical herbs; plants and potions.. Establishing a Vermont state identification for doctors and represent any doctor in charges of behavior in physicians duty to control pain by federal authority.. Help end the 'war on drugs' and address education; health care, and civil rights.. Violent offenders will be jailed and the non-violent drug offender will be offered treatment.. The issue of public health in infectious disease requires a licensing and regulating of acknowledged working prostitutes; with health care requierments.. Community Risk will be reduced with greater personal responsibility for public behavior being presented to the jury to determine community standards and enforcement in the common law with acceptance of native American tradition; accepted religious traditions, and common sense.. Strict enforcement of environmental laws; storm water runoff, slum lords and absentee landlords.. Neighborhood enforcement of noise and litter.. petition state legislature to adapt Handicapped Service Animals Laws.. Animal rights and protections, by protecting the natural habitat, establishing game reserves, and protecting the national forest.. :.Please direct your contribution to :.Paul Charles Duprat for Chittenden County States Attorney.. |
:.To.. First Amendment Artist page.. |
:.Complicity.. City & State to discredit whistle blower by 'abuse' of authority.. |
Letter to editor Burlington Free Press re: Judge Cashman..Sentencing.. |
Letters to Vermont Governor: of course never a response to the issues.. |
Letters to Vermont's' secretary of state: so much for Professional Regulation and protecting the whistle blower |
Searching for a little lite-hearted entertainment.. click the LINKS to 'PINK', Dear Mr. President.. |
:.photographer.. Ms. Judy Greensmith..Below T.J.Donovan & the Defective? Detective at the Seniors Public Forum.. Above.. @ Channel 17 Debate:(R)John St.Francis,Esq. the :.Defective ?Detective center, and (D)T.J.Donovan, Right in photograph.. and top photo, while playing Chess in City Hall Park.. |
:.Berkshire Armored Car Robbery.. Another solvable case neglected by authorities and the media.. :.More Neglect.. |
Paul Charles Duprat :.Criminologist & Qualifying Agent.. :.Defective ? Detective.. :.a private detective agency.. |
:.Sympathy Card: WCAX: Celine McArthur: aka. 'Phillis Diller in stelettos'.. :.Death of Integrity..?.. |